Did You Know Your Gut Health Affects Brain Fog?

By Dr. Madelein Shafferman

Experiencing brain fog? Have you ever walked into a room and pondered, “Wait, why did I come in here? What was I looking for?

This phenomenon is common, but what many don’t realize is that the gut can play a significant role in brain fog symptoms! Exploring this complex connection between the brain and gut microbiome can provide insight into WHY brain fog symptoms are occurring in the first place.

The Body’s Second Brain (Psst… It’s the Gut!)

The entire enteric nervous system, also known as the gut nervous system, consists of two thin layers containing 100-500 million nerve cells, surpassing the number of nerves in the spine. Extending from the mouth to the rectum, these nerve cells line the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, facilitating communication between the gut and the brain primarily through the Vagus Nerve.

For example, when experiencing hunger, the Vagus Nerve transmits a hunger-inducing hormone called ghrelin, telling the brain that “it’s time to start looking for food!” Conversely, feelings of fullness are relayed by the Vagus Nerve, signaling the brain to halt food intake.

The Vagus Nerve has a lot to say, communicating crucial information about inflammation levels, hunger, satiety, and energy production! This chatty nerve primarily sends about 80-90% of information from the gut to the brain, and 10-20% from the brain to the gut.

The Blood-Brain Barrier

The gut produces more than 30 different neurotransmitters that influence mood, cognition, and memory — If there are imbalances here, brain fog can occur! Hormones produced in the gut also have the ability to cross the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB), which is a sealed off mechanism that keeps the brain safe. Not all hormones have that VIP access, so the intricate relationship between the gut and brain is hugely important.

The HPA Axis

Another crucial aspect of the brain-gut axis is the Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis. The hypothalamus and the pituitary are two parts of the brain which send signals to the adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands produce a variety of hormones including cortisol, which modulates the body’s sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) responses. The microbiome, bacteria that live in the gut, also influences the HPA Axis. When the HPA Axis becomes overstimulated, it can disrupt the microbiome, leading to increased gut permeability or leaky gut. Achieving and maintaining a balanced gut microbiome will help to regulate the HPA Axis, alleviating brain fog symptoms.

What is Brain Fog?

According to the Merriam Webster definition, “brain fog is categorized as a temporary state of diminished mental capacity marked by an inability to concentrate, think, or reason clearly.” Individuals experiencing brain fog commonly report symptoms of poor focus, low cognition, and difficulty problem-solving.

Identifying the root cause of brain fog is crucial; Factors such as neurotransmitter imbalances, hormone imbalances, or underlying gut issues can impact mental clarity, memory, and the enteric nervous system.

Dysbiosis, for example, is an imbalance of the microbiome. When an overabundance of bad bacteria is present, that can increase inflammation in the gut, allowing metabolites to enter the circulatory system, triggering the body’s immune system to fight back. The microbiome has the ability to modulate the immune response during infection, inflammation, and autoimmunity. Thus, it’s not uncommon for individuals experiencing immune dysfunction to also see declines in brain cognition.

Strategies to Address Brain Fog

1. Don’t Sleep on Sleep

Lack of sleep is not a badge of honor — in fact, it’s a primary contributor to brain fog! Aim for 8-9 hours a night to support cognitive function.

2. Get Moving and Grooving

Research conducted in British Columbia found that the hippocampus — the part of the brain responsible for mental clarity — will actually increase in size when the body is engaged in aerobic exercise. Additionally, exercise improves blood flow and digestion, which are crucial for improving the gut microbiome and therefore reducing the effects of brain fog.

3. Embrace a Balanced Diet

The Standard American Diet is high in animal and fat protein, as well as ultra-processed carbohydrates. Oftentimes, these highly-processed foods contain preservatives, dyes, and additives, which aim to give food a longer shelf-life. However, preservatives are inherently antimicrobial, disrupting the microbiome and increasing risk for gut dysbiosis.

Consider adding in more fiber, variety, fermented foods, and whole foods. All of these can help to improve gut health, promoting a stronger, more diverse microbiome. Additionally, probiotics can boost the presence of good bacteria in the microbiome.

4. Stay Hydrated

The neurotransmitters and hormones traveling along the Vagus Nerve to the brain require water to move around in. If hydration is poor, these chemical messengers can’t work as efficiently. Quality of water matters as well. Consuming water that is full of pollutants or stripped of nutrients and minerals (such as reverse osmosis water) impacts the microbiome and cognitive health. Reach for water that is rich with minerals, and reach for it often!

5. Review Medications and Antibiotics

Antibiotics can have a lasting impact on the microbiota composition, can alter the blood brain barrier, and can affect the frontal cortex. Some medications, like Proton Pump Inhibitors, are problematic for gut health and brain fog due to their profound impact on the pH level of the digestive system. OTC medications, such as Tylenol and ibuprofen, can also contribute to brain fog. While some medications are absolutely necessary, sometimes it’s worth exploring other choices out there. It’s important to work with a provider who is focused on addressing the root need for these medications, reducing the impact or potential damage of long-term use.

6. Identify Stressors

Long-term stress can impact overall health and increase the effects of brain fog. The first step to managing stress is to identify the stressors. Employing relaxation techniques like yoga, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and breathing techniques can help to promote a healthy HPA Axis, bringing the body into rest and digest mode.

Restore Balance to the Body

Brain fog is a common experience, but it’s not a stand-alone condition! The gut has significant influence over the brain, so addressing digestive disturbances and imbalances in the microbiome are crucial for restoring optimal health and cognition. Working with a healthcare provider who is well-versed in the intricacies of the brain-gut connection can help to ensure all factors contributing to brain fog are addressed effectively.


If you’re looking to relieve your brain fog symptoms, consider becoming a patient with us!

ISAIH Natural Medicine

Phone: 208-806-1332

Address: 10619 W Victory Rd, Boise, ID 83709


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