Gathering of LIghtworkers

Where we raise the frequency of JOY and GRATITUE coming together as community sharing exsperiences, knowledge, and wisdom about all things healing of mind, body, and spirit.  For many, this is a safe space to share and find their tribe of like minded souls on their personal journey.  For others, is a space to share their professional expertise and their healing business.  For all, it is an experience that is truly magical energy and the feeling of home!

The birth of the Gathering of Lightworkers sparked from a strong pull to bring people to together to expand our conscienceness and level of awarness. What started as 12 people gathered around a table in March 2022, has now grown to fastly growing group on our Facebook community. 

We hold regular socials and educational events.  As the group continues to grow and develop, we have created many more elevated options for our members!  Go to our website at and join our Facebook community at

Looking forword to connecting!

Nikki MacGregor, Gathering of Lightworker's Founder

Health Category:


Health Conditions Treated:

Personal Development
Educational Events
Professional Empowerment, Collaboration, Coaching
Mind, Body, Spirit


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